That little Caribbean country that less that four months ago hosted one of the deadliest natural disasters in man's history. What's the last thing you remember hearing about Haiti? Perhaps a plea to donate some money, as many did (applause to those who gave).
However, recently, protests have begun in the streets as President René Préval threatens to take advantage of the disaster by staying in office an extra ninety days in order to "help" the election process. This comes only days after a group co-chaired by Preval set forth to hold elections in a timely manner, namely February 2011.
The idea that a man's future in politics relies on the ability of a committee he co-chairs to coordinate election seems impractical, corrupt, and ironically comical. Optimism in the good of humanity can not overcome the obvious wrong-doings that occurred or may occur. Those at the top require greater strength simply to resist the temptations presented. Here's to hoping President Preval's heart holds true. (Or maybe better to wish that he set out with good intentions.)
The riot and elections aren't the only things happening in Haiti, here's a few links if you've got an itch to catch up on the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
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