
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Science - Nanobots Constructed of DNA

"Wha?!" you may have exclaimed as you read the title to this post.  Or possibly your reaction closer resembled a disinterested, "Meh."  Either way, stick with me to consider the implications this type of discovery could possibly hold for science, medicine in particular.

Two separate research groups developed these nanobots (not sure bot is the correct term - which will be discussed later) using pieces of DNA.  Yes, DNA, the stuff that is inside the nucleus, which is inside the cell which is much to small to see with the naked eye (usually).

One set of bots was able to start walking along a path, turn along this path, and stop.  The other, amazingly, formed a sort of assembly line and placed small particles into eight different configurations.

These bots could find countless uses in medicine as they act as drug-delivery agents, cell-identifiers, chemical signals, or as any number of medical nano-tools.  For example, consider a nanobot which carries the newly-designed nanogold particle to a recognized cancer cell, delivering the cargo.  Later, a skin-penetrating (harmless) laser aims at the gold particles and warms the tumor to a temperature at which it can not survive.  The only limit to this new discovery lies in scientists' imaginations.

Finally, consider the make-up of these new nanobots.  They're made of DNA.  The same blueprint for life planet-wide has now been incorporated into a "bot."  Seems the proper terminology here would be something closer to a nanobug, nanoanimal, or some sort of nano life.  The term selection of bot can easily be understood when considering the possible philosophical and sociological ramifications that would accompany the announcement of some new wonderbug created by man (not God, oh my!).   Just something to think about.

Also, please note, I hate the picture that accompanies the WSJ online article.

1 comment:

  1. As further evidence of the direction that medicine/science is heading synthetic cells have been created.
