
Monday, January 30, 2012


What did people do before sunscreen?  I guess the easy answer is that people didn't move and thus the different "races" that we've evolved.  There are incredible benefits to living in sunny areas.  I love sunshine, and don't know that I'll ever be able to live in a cloudy environment again.  Portland, for one, did a number on my psyche, even in the short time that I lived there.  There's got to be a reason society has developed terms associated with poor moods with dark environments and vise-versa.  Would you rather be influenced by gloomy, stormy, cold weather (or people) or bright, sunny, warm weather (or people)?  Who's the sunshine of your life? :-)

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Wars connect us to our roots as animals.  Nature promotes survival of the fittest individual, pack, herd, and it would seem, society.  Every day in nature is a fight for life.  Sherman might have said, "Nature is hell!"